9/1/2021 - 0831
Service was restored at 1:30 PM HST, and the service is now operational. Thank you for your patience while our vendor wrapped up emergency maintenance.
8/31/2021 - 1339
The vendor has restored service, we will be monitoring the my.hpu.edu portal/mobile app for a few hours to ensure service doesn't go down.
8/31/2021 - 1233
No meaningful update yet from the vendor - the next update will come by 1:30 PM HST.
8/31/2021 - 1139
Our vendor is still working on emergency maintenance on the my.hpu.edu portal/mobile app to address login issues. We will have another update from the vendor before 12:30 PM HST.
8/31/2021 - 1100
While the portal is undergoing maintenance, you can reach services directly through links such as the following:
Student Registration: https://bss.hpu.edu:8443/StudentRegistration
Employee Self Service: https://bss.hpu.edu:8443/EmployeeSelfService
Blackboard: https://hpu.blackboard.com